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What’s new in microformats?
Digital Web Magazine on developments in Microformats come pretty thick and fast these days
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[Fireside Chat] Seth Godin and Mark Hurst (Part 1 of 2)
Matt and Jason from 37signals host a fireside chat between Seth Goidn and Mark Hurst
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Learn JavaScript before tasting the library kool-aid
Some JavaScript libraries seem created specifically to appeal to people who are easily dazzled by animations and other visual bling-bling
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Fixing web-based products through desi-n
An interesting interview to read if you're interested in how User Experience plays a role at Google
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Development and Design Process
Monday By Noon on development and design process, separating the development of a website into parts, cross browser testing, ...
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The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines
Written by Charles S. Knight, SEO, and edited by Richard MacManus. The Top 100 is listed at the end of the analysis
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Shaun Inman unleashed the next version of Mint
Shaun Inman unleashed the next version of Mint, his fantastic site stats package, over the weekend
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Creating Inspired Design Part 1: I Am The Walrus
A series and looks at some of the ways that you can find new inspiration
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User Experience Teams & Information Architects
No single individual can perform all tasks necessary for user experience
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Adobe Releases PDF to the World
Tomorrow they will announce that they are relinquishing control over the PDF format to AIIM